dandruff - the causes and treatments

  • The Surprising Benefits Of Using Rose Milk Rose Clay Soap

    15 September 2021

    The skin is an important organ that protects your body against infection and disease. Skin also protects organs from injury and regulates temperature and helps the body removed excess salt and water. The skin is visible, and without proper care, it can not only look bad but also not work as well as it should. Proper skin care requires using cleansers, lotions, and other topical treatments that help keep skin at its best.

  • A Nose Job Without Surgery?

    13 August 2021

    For years, the phrase "nose job" has been synonymous with rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is an invasive, surgical procedure designed to reshape the nose. Indeed, this procedure can give you great results and the nose of your dreams, but it's no longer the only nose job option in town! Now, there are non-surgical nose job options you can do. As strange as that may sound initially, these non-surgical nose job options can yield great results, and they're often a lot safer than going under the knife.

  • Balayage Or Foils? The Choice Is Obvious

    17 May 2021

    If you are someone who goes in to see your hairdresser every 6-8 weeks to get foils, it may be time to switch things up. Using foils to frost or color your hair is a long and sometimes strenuous process of separating out individual strands of hair, applying color, and then wrapping them in foil to process. This is most likely the way your mother would get her hair done, and there is now a more stylish method.

  • What Can A CBD Joint Pain Cream Offer You?

    30 March 2021

    CBD is an effective natural treatment for people with joint pain. It can reduce swelling and diminish painful sensations, even when used topically. Joint pain cream is specifically formulated with a high concentration of CBD to help people with arthritis and other chronic conditions. These are just some of the things that CBD joint cream can do for you: 1. Protect a sensitive stomach. Some people have sensitive stomachs due to genetic predispositions or medications.

  • 3 Salon Treatments That Will Make Your Hair Look More Beautiful

    15 January 2021

    Everyone gets their fair share of good and bad hair. However, what you call bad hair results from not taking the necessary steps to keep your hair beautiful and healthy. For example, if you are not keen on moisturizing your hair and scalp regularly, you are likely to experience dryness, flaking, and damaged hair. The key to having beautiful hair every day of the year is by understanding your hair and scalp type and what they need to stay moisturized and healthy.

  • 3 Important Facts To Know Before Getting Laser Hair Removal

    10 November 2020

    Body hair is one of the biggest issues that people deal with when it comes to beauty. As a result, the cosmetic industry has come up with gadgets, creams, and procedures to help manage body hair. Some of the processes are as simple as applying shaving cream and using a blade to remove the facial hair, while others involve uprooting the hair from the roots. Laser hair removal is one of the relatively new ways to manage body hair.

  • How Castor Oil Can Bring New Life To Skin And Hair

    10 September 2020

    When searching for supplements to help with hair and skin, have you ever considered castor oil? Once you understand the benefits this oil can offer, you are sure to give it a try. Castor Oil Benefits Castor oil has vitamins, like vitamin E, that are well known for their skin and hair benefits. The oil also contains Omega 6 and 9 as well as proteins. All these components together can help reduce hair loss, fight scalp issues, and premature graying.