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Balayage Or Foils? The Choice Is Obvious

by Mario Medina

If you are someone who goes in to see your hairdresser every 6-8 weeks to get foils, it may be time to switch things up. Using foils to frost or color your hair is a long and sometimes strenuous process of separating out individual strands of hair, applying color, and then wrapping them in foil to process. This is most likely the way your mother would get her hair done, and there is now a more stylish method. Balayage takes the foil out of coloring your hair. Instead of separating individual strands of hair, a balayage expert will hand paint your color directly into your hair, giving it a more blended and natural look. 

Additional benefits of choosing a balayage coloring method include but are not limited to:

Modern Style

If you ask around your friends and family whose hair you like, chances are you will find at least one who has a balayage look. This method of hair coloring is becoming increasingly popular. Many people appreciate the natural sun-kissed look that seems to appear almost accidental rather than by design. 

Less Damage to Your Hair

With regular frosting methods, your hair will be basically caked with bleach and then left to process for a substantial amount of time under a dryer. This can be extremely damaging to your hair, sometimes causing dead ends and splitting. The reason for using foil in your hair in the first place is that it increases the temperature of the individual strands placed therein and helps it to process. This heat can damage your hair. Balayage, on the other hand, is a more gentle process where your stylist is simply painting the color directly onto your hair, no foils needed. 

No Harsh Regrowth Lines

Potentially the most compelling reason to choose balayage over regular foil methods of frosting is that balayage has a much more natural look that does not look bad when it grows out. Using foils in your hair can cause straight lines where the color is placed, making it very apparent when your regrowth shows up. Instead of having to go in regularly for touch-ups, balayage just looks better and better with time. 

In conclusion, sometimes switching things up may be just what you need to get a fresh start. Find a hair salon near you and schedule your first balayage appointment. It looks more natural, is better for your hair, and you will probably love it.
