dandruff - the causes and treatments

How Castor Oil Can Bring New Life To Skin And Hair

by Mario Medina

When searching for supplements to help with hair and skin, have you ever considered castor oil? Once you understand the benefits this oil can offer, you are sure to give it a try.

Castor Oil Benefits

Castor oil has vitamins, like vitamin E, that are well known for their skin and hair benefits. The oil also contains Omega 6 and 9 as well as proteins. All these components together can help reduce hair loss, fight scalp issues, and premature graying.

How Castor Oil Helps Skin

The fatty acids contained in castor oil makes it a natural skin moisturizer. The antioxidants it contains help fight free radicals to prevent wrinkles and other skin damage.

Castor oil also helps by reducing fluid retention and shrink blood vessels. This means it can help get rid of dark under-eye circles and dark spots on the skin.

Here are some other ways this oil helps skin.

  • Fight acne
  • Soothing sunburns
  • Nourish dry lips
  • Promote overall skin health
  • Reverse hair damage

This means both young and more mature skin can benefit from castor oil.

How Castor Oil Helps Hair

Castor oil also nourishes hair and can offer a slew of benefits for your locks. Contrary to what some believe, this oil cannot make your hair grow itself, but it does create a healthier environment for hair growth.

  • Nourishes dry scalp
  • Straightens hair strands
  • Promotes better growth
  • Results in shinier, softer hair

While there is no scientific evidence to prove all of the benefits for hair, it is a low-risk remedy for thinning hair and even eyebrows.

How To Use Castor Oil

You can find castor oil in 250-milliliter bottles online and in most drug stores. Once you have the oil, you apply it to hair and skin.

To use on the skin, apply the oil before bed. One good way to use castor oil is to mix it with your favorite moisturizer and use it every night before bed after cleansing the skin.

For hair, you can mix equal amounts of castor oil with coconut oil. Rub this mixture into your hair and comb through. You should allow it to sit on your head for a few hours. Wear a shower cap if you want to protect clothing.

Keep in mind that castor oil is not for oral use for hair and skin, and some people should not use unless their doctor okays to use. This includes people with certain skin conditions, like eczema.

If you want to try castor oil, go ahead as it may work great for you. To learn more, reach out to a company like New N Natural.
