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How To Prevent Chafing When Adopting A Cycling Routine

by Mario Medina

Cycling is a great way to work more exercise into your day. It's easy on your joints, and it allows you to enjoy the great outdoors while you ride. One challenge often faced by people who are new to cycling is chafing in the seat area. It can take some time for the skin in this area to toughen up and get used to all of the pressure -- and in the meantime, you may be left facing some rubbing and discomfort. With the tips below, however, you can keep this discomfort to a minimum.

Wear bike shorts.

The tight, padded bike shorts you see those speedy, competitive cyclists wearing are not just for the pros. Even you, as a total beginner, should be wearing proper bike shorts. The padding in these shorts helps protect your seat area, and the tight fit reduces rubbing. Make sure you buy shorts made specifically for your sex, as male and female shorts are padded in different areas.

Apply chamois cream before each ride.

Visit an outdoor or bike shop, and look for a product known as chamois cream. This lubricating cream is meant to be applied to the inside padding of your bike shorts. It further reduces friction, preventing chafing and soreness. Chamois cream for cyclists also contains antibacterial ingredients, so it will prevent you from developing an infection if you should get some rubbing (which is likely to happen at least once or twice when you're new to the sport, no matter how many precautions you take.)

Take advantage of stoplights.

When you have to wait at a stoplight or for any other reason, take advantage of this opportunity to get your rear end off of the saddle for a few minutes. If you're riding in clip pedals, unclip one foot and stand over your bike, rather than continuing to rest on the seat. These little breaks will give your underside a chance to dry out, reducing chafing.

Make sure you have the right seat for your build.

If you're a female, a female-specific bike seat that has a cut-out in the middle will go a long way towards improving your comfort. Whether you're a male or female, it's important to have a seat that fits you. If you are experiencing chafing in spite of following the other tips above, then visit a bike store and ask one of their technicians to recommend a seat that is a better fit for your body shape and weight.  
