dandruff - the causes and treatments

3 Non-Surgical Options For Treating Hair Loss

by Mario Medina

Although there are surgical options available for hair loss, some people prefer to explore non-surgical treatment options. Fortunately, there are a few non-surgical options available that can help with baldness in varying degrees. To help you determine which would be best for your situation, here are some of your available options.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, have approved finasteride and minoxidil to use for the treatment of hair loss. Minoxidil is a topical application that is only available with a prescription. It works by dramatically slowing the rate of hair loss that you are experiencing. It is often used in combination with other hair replacement options. 

Finasteride is an oral medication that works by blocking male hormones from forming and binding to the hair follicle. As a result, the process of male pattern hair loss is interrupted or prevented. 

Whether you opt to use one or both of the medications, it is important to note that both require a lifetime commitment. When you stop using minoxidil or finasteride, the hair loss process continues. 

Both medications also have side effects that you should consider. For instance, finasteride can potentially lead to sexual side effects. Minoxidil can lead to scalp irritation and dry skin. 


Hairpieces or toupees are significantly different than they were years ago. Changes to the construction of the hairpieces, such as the addition of lace to the edges, can make them practically unnoticeable. 

If you do opt for a hairpiece, to get the best effect, consider having it custom-fitted. A custom-fitted hairpiece is designed to fit your face and is created with your head's measurements. This helps to ensure a good fit and a better quality hairpiece.

Laser Combs

The Laser Comb is a FDA approved method of stimulating hair follicles. The treatment is performed in-office and completed with a handheld device that emits low-level laser beams. The comb is considered relatively safe to use and does not require any drugs. 

To get the most from the procedure, you might have to combine the laser treatments with minoxidil. Finasteride can also be useful by helping you retain the growth of hair that you experience from the laser treatments.

Consult with your dermatologist to learn other available options for replacing lost hair. Your doctor can also help you take steps to stop the progression of male pattern baldness and preserve the hair that you currently have. For more information about how to stop hair loss, consult with a business such as L J Hair Systems
